Living the Dream

Thursday, January 25, 2007


me awake 4am, outside snow. me back to sleep. 7:45 hear morning school bus. me jump out of bed, make kids cereal, me parent helper at cc's school (beach day) cc bloody nose all over beachy shirt and carpet, me panicky running late. wash shirt and carpet, throw shirt in dryer, contain nose jump in shower huffing and puffing no time for coffee (bummer) get my beach gear on redress cc and pack up kids. me carpool day, head for first pick-up. what are you doing here? preschool cancelled. cc crying no beach day! me home, making coffee.

Monday, January 22, 2007


The powers that be have decided our time in Ohio is coming to an end. I am having a hard time getting excited for this move. We have made some great friends here, I will miss them. Not to mention the physical act of moving makes me want to curl up under the covers and hide. B's new job will be starting sooner rather than later which means he will be spending alot of time in Cali, while the kids and I tie up loose ends here. I guess we will have to find a house at some point too. Lot's to do, and how do I explain to the kid's? I do not know much about the area we will settle other than it's a tad expensive! Right now we are concentrating on good school districts to limit our search. Hey Cryko, know anything about SoCal? We will be more Ontario airport rather than LAX. Does Rancho Cucamunga ring a bell? In other news, look at how great CC can color! I think she gets her artistic ablility from all of her Grandma's.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ya Say It's Your Birthday, Happy Birthday To Ya!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Freeze Frame

Michelle has challenged me to make my titles, songs. I say bring it on!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Oh Yes, It's Ladies Night

We have a meeting at the kindergarten tonight on literacy. We decided as long as we are out of the house we might as well stay out for as long as possible. (Knowing the way we roll we'll probably be home in time for Grey's Anatomy)
Don't worry if you do not hear from me tomorrow, it's my birthday and I'll probably just curl up in bed, in the fetal, and mourn my youth. Just kidding, so far I am ok with getting older. Although it is a little creepy having crow's feet and pimples at the same time.
May the force be with you.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cuz Every Little Thing is Gonna Be All Right!

I wish I was not such a worry wart. Based on my friends in the hood, I know that I am not alone with this affliction. Everyone seems to have different triggers. For me a couple of big ones are parking lots (because of all of the close calls with Shelly getting hit by cars in our youth) and blood disease such as Lyme or West Nile. I have been on the phone with the advice nurse for both of these illnesses. (both were totally legit concerns, I swear.) For some it it petting zoos (this one kinda makes me tense too.) I know for Posh, it is fast food burgers. The two people that I want to have no worries are O and C. I remember the feeling of worry when I was a kid, it was like a bad tummy ache. I was scared of atomic bombs. O is scared of tornados and seizures. (long story) I hope he and CC always tell us about their troubles and I hope Bill and I can always make them feel better. Don't worry, be happy. In other news, our new table is n-i-c-e!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy Anniversary Baby, Gotcha On My Mind!

Who doesn't love Little River Band? Nine years of wedded bliss for hubby and I as of today. Funny how some days it feels like forever and at the same time how it has flown by. In other news, we are back to the grind here. (school/work) Most of us have either a snotty nose or a cough, we are trying to come off of our holiday binge and start working out again, our new Christmas present gets delivered today! A new dinnette set, I may have to post a pic.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year