Living the Dream

Sunday, September 28, 2008

LA County Fair

It feels like we have been super busy since school has started. A couple of weeks ago I took the kids to the fair after school. Last year we went on a Saturday and it was brutal, much better going during the week. We didn't have to wait in any long lines, although it was a little hot. It has been in the triple digits a couple times this week! I am ready for a cool down. Owie's baseball started practice this week, Go Padres! I asked Bill if I should get some brown sleeves, he informed me that a couple of decades ago they changed their colors to navy blue. He has a new coach this year that seems very nice and experienced. What else? Oh, CC has her Halloween costume already! We just need to find a couple of little details. Owen is not sure what he wants to be. Any ideas? You will have to wait and see what Kitty is dressing up as.....

p.s. The goats were totally out of control.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gingerbread Man

I know all of you are on the edge of your seats wondering how CC is doing in "real school." She loves it! Her teacher has been teaching kindergarten for over 20 years, she's a real pro. Now you are probably looking at these adorable pictures and thinking, " Wow, that looks like alot of 5 year olds." You are right, 26 kids in Claire's class. Mrs. Nelson depends on at least 2 but prefers 3 "parent teachers" everyday. Fortunately, CC's class seems to have alot of people who are able to help out, it's crazy but fun. I forgot how much the teachers have to squeeze in during 1/2 day kindergarten. I'm starting to see the advantages to all day kinder, being able to slow down and not be so rushed. Claire is so sweet, and quiet? in class. I'm thinking it is going to be a great school year.

Oh yeah, CC's class made a Gingerbread Man last week. Because I live so close to the school, I volunteered to bake the pieces and bring it back. I was freaking out, all of the candies were melting all over the cookie sheets and black smoke was billowing out of the oven! Good times. I dropped it off when it was done and high-tailed it out of there before anyone could see me.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Run, Baby, Run!

I'm getting behind again. School has made us all busy. Labor day weekend, horse races at Del Mar, very fun, we did not win much, yes, we let the kids pick our bets, is that illegal?