Living the Dream

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

CC's Birthday Cupcakes

Claire can't wait to start celebrating! This is the most excited she has ever been about her b-day. We made cupcakes to take to her school tomorrow. CC decorated them ALL BY HERSELF! She did a great job. Here is a the yummy frosting recipe we used: 1 c. unsalted butter 17oz. jar of marshmallow cream, beat with a mixer add 1 c. powdered sugar 1 t. vanilla beat til fluffy.
I am getting stressed out about her bowling party, only 2 rsvp's. I don't have any phone numbers to follow up. I am going to try and track down some parents tomorrow. Wish me luck , there is a 10 kid mimimum. Okay, now I am angry that no one is calling!! Deep breath, feeling better. We are taking Claire to the mall for her present. She wants an oufit for her Build a Bear hippo, and ofcourse one for herself. The family is going to Shakey's for dinner, we will have some Mojo's for you. Happy Valentine's Day

Correction: 7oz of marshmallow cream not 17!!

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Anybody tell someone they had a black smudge on their forehead yesterday? I was lucky enough to catch myself at the last second. I did make this mistake once before in my life, I am glad I did not repeat. Anybody giving anything up? (other than caffeine? good job Cryko.)

I am starting to fall a little in love with this new place I call home. Where else can you find a Sublime or Social Distortion song on the radio at all times? When I first got here I was a little nervous by all of the gang like tattoos, now I just throw out the west coast sign and give them a secret handshake that you people would not know about. It's all good. In my cycling class today the instuctor gave a little speech about sending some positive thoughts Britney's way and then we spun it out to "Toxic." This is the same instructor that is trying out for the "Gladiators." I don't think I have to tell you, this is my new favorite class. Did I mention mid 70's this weekend?

Monday, February 04, 2008

Technical Difficulties

One of my favorite parts in Zoolander is when they are acting like monkeys trying to get the info out of the computer. I can totally relate. I have been smacking around my digital camera and it still won't download my pics. I will think about that tomorrow. (I watched Gone With The Wind on Saturday, yeah for Netflix!) So I will dialogue an update. The kids and I took a roadtrip to Arizona on MLK weekend. We had a great time visiting with Dad and Judy. Went to the park, went to the zoo, went to a car auction. My Dad got a little friend for the 55 Chevy. (This is where I would have put a picture of the 63? Impala) They are having a good time with their new hobby, Dennis Hopper would be proud.
Kiddie update: Owen started an after school Spanish class on Thursdays, he is really enjoying it. A few kids in his class speak Spanish and I think it makes it fun having them help along. Little League is about to start up again, Bill is officially coaching this time and went to a teaching seminar last week. I think Owen really likes having him out there with him. I can't believe my wittle baby is going to be 5 in ten days!!! O was considered a "big boy" when he turned 5, but Claire is my baby. I have to get the lead out and start planning her B-day party. We are going to invite her preschool class bowling. She has her first dance class on Wednesday, should be fun.
Brother Joe is doing great with his new business in Costa Rica. Go to, click on fishing, click on pro staff, click Costa Rica, and you can read Joe's bio. Pretty cool.