Living the Dream

Friday, May 16, 2008

Hey Batta, Batta!

Tonight is Owen's last baseball game of the season. He's feeling much more confident this year. I think he enjoyed himself more too. Bill was able to help coach when his work schedule allowed. Owen likes having his Dad out there with him and Bill is really good with the kids. I already get stressed out watching, I want him to do well, he wants to do well. I know exactly how he feels out there: I kinda want the ball to come to me. At the same time, please don't let the ball come to me! Some of these kids are really good. I'm talking perfect throws from third base to first. Owen is also dangerously close to the age that boys start getting brutal to each other when you mess up a play. Growing up is hard. Being a parent is hard! Owen's school also had a Spring Concert last night, it was so cute. Every grade got together to sing a few songs. Our little Owie had a speaking part. He said, "Everyone knows about being green, it means caring for our Earth." We practiced alot and he did great. Pepper Tree is going to be Radio Disneys Cool School on May 30. They will be broadcasting live from the school on that day. Have I mentioned that I really like the elementary school? But, all of us are really looking forward to Summer!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

One Year

We have hit our one year anniversary of California living. I think it has mostly been a good year. Owie and Claire had open houses at their schools. At the risk of sounding like a bragging mom, both teachers had terrific things to say about the kids. Words like: wonderful, model student, well rounded, pleasure to have in class. I'm still kinda new to school, maybe teachers say this to all of the parents but Bill and I were beaming for the rest of the day. The kids have adjusted extremely well to the cross country move. Another pro has been our physical health. This weather really agrees with our immune system. For the first time since since birth (I think) neither kid has been on an antibiotic this year. I don't know if CC grew out of her little wheeze problem or if it was caused by an allergy. All I know is that about a week after we moved to Cali we stopped giving her Pulmicort and we have not looked back! I guess the downside of the move would be the hard time we have had making connections with grown ups. People here are hard nuts to crack. My cheeks hurt from all of the friendly smiling I have been doing . We had such an easy time making super friends in Ohio, what gives? I have to take part of the blame. I only made it to one PTA meeting this year, and I have yet to find a babysitter. I was spoiled in Ohio by always having a few friends who were at the same meetings and sporting events and YMCA. Not to mention a couple of nice teenage girls that liked to babysit for neighbors. It feels weird to be sitting on the outskirts. Before you get to feeling all sorry for me, I do talk to a couple of people pretty regularly when CC and I pick Owen up from school and at Owie's baseball games. If I had a dollar for everytime someone (after finding out that we are new to the area) has said, "It's not just anywhere that you can snow ski in the morning and go surfing in the afternoon." I would probably have around 12$. Have yet to meet someone who has actually done this. To sum up, it has been a hard working year for all of us (especially Bill). My goal for the second year of California living is to have more fun, put myself out there and try to be a bit more (sigh) social. Photo taken one year ago, living in a motel, waiting for the moving truck with all of our possessions, a little crazy.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I (Mostly) Love Our Cat

I'm thinking we have the sweetest cat on the planet (unless you're a lizard). She pretty much lets CC do whatever she wants. Claire's favorite game is to stuff Flower (CC changed her name) into her toy stroller and run around the house while kitty holds on (for dear life) with her wee, little paws. My only beef with kitty is the sometimes fatal damage she is doing to the nice lizards that run around outside. I like the lizards! I tried to keep kitty in but it has become impossible. My neighbor let me know that she does not want kitty in her backyard, I don't blame her. I guess I need to get better about keeping the cat in the house? I'd like to remain on speaking terms with the neighbor.