Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Princess Claire decided she wanted bangs. I said we should give it some thought. A little while later she came around the corner with a pretty decent amount of hair chopped off! I was shocked, how naughty can you get? I hate to sound overly dramatic but I was heartbroken, her bangs had never been cut. She wasn't crazy about her new hair do either. We went to Super Cuts for a little damage control. I'm hoping she learned her lesson, at least until she is a teenager. I was reminded of the stupid things I've done to my hair. I did the "New Wave" thing and let my friend cut one side of my hair off, when I was about 13 I wanted spiked hair and ended up with a reverse mohawk, just recently I tried to do my own color and ended up with orange roots. What do you think of CC's new look? Does she look naughty? Bill's Mom made this adorable dress for Claire's b-day.
It's not too bad, she is so cute in her dress, I like the bangs. There will be many trying days ahead, brace yourself........MomC
Still cute as ever!!!I am not telling Olivia for fear it will be repeated.
her new do is Adorable! Really. The dress is a cute one too. Fi hasn't had a cut either. OMG. Not ready. Can totally see your drama. She looks great w/ that cut.
I was wondering about that dress- it is very cute. Love the new doo! I saw a little girl the other day and it was so obvious that she chopped her own hair- right down to the scalp. CC seems to have a talent and did not do too bad. Ella just made me get her about the same cut because one of her little friends had bangs. It is for sure easier to manage. Pssst- hide all scissors!!!
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