Cold As Ice

We had our own version of the polar bear plunge on Christmas day. After opening presents and eating breakfast Clint thought we needed a "wake me up" and Jill informed us that the icy plunge usually happens on Christmas in Ireland. The outside temp, mid 60's. The pool temp, a very uncomfortable 58 degrees. Brrrrr. I have never been electrocuted but I am guessing that this is how it must feel. I have to admit that we all felt great after it was done! Clint used this method of waking up most of the days he was here, talked Jill into doing it again too. I think the pool was down to 48 degrees the last time he jumped in. Loco.
CC was not allowed to take the plunge as much as she wanted to, we had to explain to her that this was for the mature grown ups. Owen took the group shot, he thought all of us had lost our minds.
I'm with Owen......MomC
Kids usually have more common sense than we do. But, they are never too young to find out that Mom and Dad, and all grown ups for that matter, are not all there. I really do think that I would have been taking the group picture with Owen.
By the way, I LOVE YOUR POOL! Did you ever think you would have such a neat toy?
I hope you had a great birthday! Also, Ilove your pool too, and I have that same striped towel. funny.
oh yea, great title.
you can't read without singing it!
good one.
Ok, so glad I checked today. very funny... you kill me. good thing i wasn't there, i get sick of being the weenie.
Lar and Crystal,
In this situation, you jump or risk getting pushed in. I love the pool I just wish we could use it more. How are the solar panels working Crystal?
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