Wrap It Up

Two thumbs up for Christmas 2007. Clint and Jill were here and we loved having them. They played with the kids all day, and played cards and "The Boardgame" with us all night. We did some touristy things too. Chinese Theater (a little skeevy), Pinks Hot Dogs, La Brea Tar Pits (CC a little nervous about getting stuck in the tar like those poor animals), and finally a sunset at Venice Beach. We also took the kids bowling, very fun. CC and O were in the lane next to ours with the bumpers up, it worked out great. The kids loved it, as a matter of fact CC beat my best score. (Next time I am bowling in the kids lane.) One of these days we need to figure out how to live in the same city at the same time. We miss you.
P.S. I think my fav Christmas picture this year is Owen playing Battleship with his new headlamp on.
Warning: Pics of the Polar Bear Plunge are coming soon.
that pic of owen is GREAT! merry xmas! the sunset at the beach didn't look to bad either.
I only want to know - what is that huge statue??? Pre-historic animal or gopher?
It is a big sloth that used to roam around LA. The Page Museum is worth checking out if you are ever in the area, they are still recovering bones of kooky mammals.
The pictures are great, I am so glad that you had Jill and Clint with you for the Holiday, and it looks as though you all were enjoying each other. I love the pic of O in the headlight, it reminds me of Joe, he always has his on (just in case). And I like the pic of CC with Clint, so cute!
we had so much fun visiting. grandma claire does look a little worried about the possibilty of a giant nutrea coming out of the tar pits...or is that the smell coming out of grandpa clint's pits?
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