One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians

In other news, Owen had his last baseball game. It was an awkward season. This was O's first time playing on a baseball team and he struggled a bit. He was always excited to play but I think it made him nervous at the same time. He just wanted to be good at it, automatically. I hope he decides to give it another go in the spring. It is so tough to find the middle ground of pushing your kids not to give up on difficult things but not pushing too hard. Who wants a seven year old with an ulcer? In happier news, Owen's social life is awesome. He has his 3rd birthday party to attend this weekend and 2 playdates lined up next week. That kid has no trouble meeting friends. When I walk him to school there is a chorus of "Hey Owen's!" In the happiest news, Grandma and Grandpa arrive tonight from Oregon!!!! Happy Thanksgiving.
Hey, I notice that the Pilgrims and Indians were not allowed to dine together. That is some obvious segregation! Cute though. I absolutely identify with the baseball. Taylor kind of sort of liked baseball- I think. He is the type of kid that needs to master something to feel comfortable, and since no one is ever perfect at baseball, I really don't think he ever enjoyed it. It is so hard as a parent to know your kid might be good at something, but if they don't dig it, how can you push them? Owen will probably like it more and more each year. I love love love to watch them in Little League. It is so much fun!
totally adorable of course.
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