Claire Is All Grown Up

In this picture CC is saying "Kindergarten, Bring It On!" First day of school today, it sounded like a total success. ( I can say total, I live in Cali.) Owen loved his teacher, it's a man teacher. Claire's only complaint about kindergarten was that it wasn't long enough?! CC's class starts at 7:40am and ends at 11. Mommy is moving in the morning. We found out today that Owen is in a 2nd and 3rd grade combo class, I think this will be good for him. New school year, pretty exciting.
Unbelieveable, they are both so grown up, I remember your first days at school, so much anticipation! It seems so weird to see these pictures and think about when you and Joe were doing the same thing, and knowing Joe celebrated his 40th B-day on their first day at school, seems like I was just 40 (OK only to me!) We are so proud of them ")MomC
Wow, they do look grown up. CC has really got that big girl look. Too bad you don't get full day kindergarten. We loved it with Ella. Our kids get to start next week and for some reason, they are all excited this year. Halloween is right around the corner- my personal fav!
Wow! They are getting so big. How were your tears? It makes you feel better when they are happy and excited. Enjoy your mornings.
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